Stuck in Limbo – The Camp


Samos, Greece
The camp, as the detention center is called here in Samos, was built with funds from the EU in 2007 for 250 people. Now there are about 800 refugees. 

All the permanent shelters here are overcrowded. The hilly terrain is dotted with small tents. One of them accommodates up to 6 people. There is no more room.

One man told me that one night, when he finally wanted to sleep with his baby in his arms, the baby rolled down the hill in his sleep.

The camp is closed, a prison. No one is officially allowed to leave it to go for a walk. There is barbed wire everywhere. There is often not enough food for everyone, and basic medical care is inadequate. There are no toys for the children and no distractions for the adults. No one knows what will happen next. No one knows if or when they will be allowed to travel. Everyone is in a kind of limbo.

Nothing makes this place friendly - it offers no refuge, no place of retreat, no place to rest and relax.

This place shows the people very clearly that they are not welcome in Europe.