Menschenrechtskommissar des Europarates verurteilt das Vorgehen der Guardia Civil


Dies ist die klarste und deutlichste Stellungnahme seitens der Europäischen Union seit langem. 

Nun ist es wichtig, daß diese Untersuchung der Polizeigewalt an Europas Außengrenzen tatsächlich stattfindet. Der Druck, diese Vorgänge zu untersuchen, darf nicht nachlassen.

"Yesterday’s events in Melilla, where the Guardia Civil used violence against several migrants and returned them to Morocco without assessing their needs or allowing them to seek asylum, is yet another disturbing illustration of flaws in Spain’s treatment of migrants in its exclaves. When migrants reach a Council of Europe country, the State authorities have the duty to examine their situations individually and allow them to seek asylum. It is illegal for a state to simply push them back. Spain has failed to uphold its international obligations in this field — sadly, this is not the first time. To amend this situation, it is now necessary that an investigation is opened to establish accountability for police violence. Clear orders must be given to avoid the future re-occurrence of violence and discontinue current push-back practices. Migration flows certainly represent a challenge for European countries, but this does not justify border control operations which are incompatible with human rights standards."

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Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights
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commissioner [at] coe.int

Es ist wichtig, weiterhin Druck zu erzeugen und zu zeigen, daß wir nicht einverstanden sind mit einem derart menschenverachtendem Vorgehen der Grenztruppen