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Videointerviews & TV Reports
- 2022 01-04 Dům umění města Brna: Tanja Boukal: Do You Know That We Have Lost? (English/Czech subtitles)
- 2019-09-28 L' Alsace: Marathon de broderie au café Tilvist avec Tanja Boukal à Mulhouse (French)
- 2019-09-09 France Télévisions Canal 3, De la broderie collective a la Kunsthalle de Mulhouse (French)
- 2018-03-15 TRT_International features the Exhibition Leading Circles Disolves from the Air - Interview with Tanja Boukal starts at 1:50 (English)
- 2016-08-12 Excerpt from a tv-documentation by ERT, the public broadcaster of Greece, about Tanja Boukals part of the exhibition "A world not ours" (English/Greek)
- 2015-11-18 A short video and audiocomment by Tanja Boukal about her Melilla Project Installatian at Kiasma (English/Finnish subtitles)