At home


At home
Welcome to Paradise, Tanja Boukal 2010, 2 pages 101 x 56 cm, knit on PVC

In the morning at Melilla airport, show your passport, board the plane, fly to Austria. A simple process - for me as a European. 

At the same time, thousands of non-Europeans are stranded on Mount Gurugu, in the forests around Ceuta, on all the African coasts and in Turkey.

Unsafe small boats, hopelessly overcrowded, are travelling in the Mediterranean, people are trying to swim across the Evros border river between Turkey and Greece and the next crossing attempts are being planned at the fences of Ceuta and Melilla.

None of these people are undertaking such a journey for fun. And very few of them could turn back. They have risked too much to reach Europe's borders.

The military, navy and fences will not stop anyone from at least trying to reach their destination. Only the price is getting higher and higher and the number of victims is increasing.

Europe must decide how to deal with this. But Europe is not only governments, it is also the inhabitants.

I wanted to know what is happening there at the fence and I also want to know what is happening elsewhere at the borders. Because only if we stop looking the other way and ignoring such conditions can anything change.