Welcome to Paradise


Welcome to Paradise
Welcome to Paradise Tanja Boukal Vienna 2010 2 pages 101 x 56 cm Knitted on PVC

Hello world, this is my blog about my upcoming trip to one of Europe's external borders in October 2014

Melilla: Spanish exclave on the North African coast, 85,000 people on 13.5 square kilometres - and surrounded by a 6-metre-high fence with razor-sharp barbed wire, guarded by the military and police, besieged by up to 30,000 desperate people. Melilla - Fortress Europe in miniature.

Until now, I have always researched my projects undocumented. But this time I'm trying to share my impressions here.

Encounters, photos, facts and thoughts on the situation in Melilla and all around - an experiment with an uncertain outcome.

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